Frequently Asked Questions

Here's topics that often come up about Bitprop
What services does Bitprop offer to its customers?
We work with homeowners to invest in their properties. Our architects design 2-bedroom, 4 or 6 units that meet city standards. We team up with local builders and our construction manager ensures everything is built well. Our rental team helps homeowners find tenants and guides homeowners to become landlords. Our maintenance manager quickly handles any repairs. This way, we provide full support as homeowners become successful landlords.
What is the rental split?
For 10 years, 85% of the rent goes to Bitprop to cover construction, maintenance, and insurance costs, while homeowners get 15%. We take care of all rental management to make owning the property easy and stress-free. After the 10-year partnership, 100% of the rental is yours!
Are there any fees associated with using Bitprop's services?
We don’t charge homeowners any fees for building, designing, or managing rentals. Instead, we recover our investment by taking 85% of the rental income over a 10-year partnership.
What are the requirements for a property to have flats built on my property?
To partner with us, we first check if your property is in our areas: iLitha Park, iKwezi Park, Bongweni, Eersterivier, Blue Downs, and Langa. We also check the zoning and see if there is enough space to build. Lastly, you need to prove that you own the property and live there.
Does Bitprop take my title deed or take ownership of my property during the partnership?
No, Bitprop will not own your property at any time during the partnership. We also do not take your title deed. Instead, we have a legal process called an endorsement that shows our partnership on your title deed. This process is done by lawyers and takes about 3 months to finish.
Are Bitprop's services available in areas outside of Cape Town?
Right now, our services are only available in the Cape Town area. But we plan to expand to other regions in South Africa and possibly beyond in the future.
What is the maximum number of backyard rental flats does Bitprop build?
Bitprop has tried different numbers of units, but the maximum is 6 because it is the most manageable for a landlord. The amount of space in your backyard and municipal standards decide how many units we can build.
Does Bitprop only develop backyard flats or can we build on an empty plot?
Bitprop only builds backyard flats behind existing houses. This is because the property needs to have registered water and electricity. Also, the owner must live on the property because the partnership only works if the tenants and the landlord live on the same plot.
Do homeowners have any input on the design plans of the flats?
The design of the flats is standardized by our architects, so homeowners don’t need to give input on the design. However, the architects might discuss window placements with you to ensure privacy and comfort. You can choose the exterior colour of the flats from the options we provide.
Does Bitprop also do the building plans application? How long does that normally take?
The architects create the plans for each property, including the flat design, and submit them to the council before we start building. There’s no fixed time for approval, but we work closely with the City of Cape Town to keep track of the progress.
What happens if a flat is vacant for a long period? Does that that extend the agreement period?
First, Bitprop helps homeowners find tenants if they’re having trouble. We also have a waiting list of people interested in renting our flats. If a flat stays empty for a while, it doesn’t change the length of the agreement—it will still be 10 years.
What sets Bitprop apart from other companies in the property management industry?
We are a property development company that works with homeowners to build their property businesses. We handle everything from design and construction to finding tenants, managing rentals, maintenance, and insurance. Over a 10-year partnership, we support homeowners as they learn to manage 4 to 6 rental units without taking on all the responsibilities themselves.
Does Bitprop conduct background checks on potential tenants?
We check if tenants can afford the rent with a financial background check and encourage homeowners to interview them to confirm their character during the selection process.
How can I apply for a rental property through Bitprop?
If you want to be a tenant, please note that our flats are often full. To join our waiting list, sign up on WhatsApp at +27 60 068 4581.
How can I contact Bitprop's customer support?
You can contact us on WhatsApp at +27 60 068 4581, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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